The Institute

The Bionanomechanics group was established in 2005 with the aim of developing novel analytical tools based in nanotechnology for biological applications and with a focus in nanomechanical sensing.


Our laboratory is located in Tres Cantos, a quiet and easy-going town 30 km north of Madrid and close to the Sierra de Madrid mountains. We have frequent and convenient communication with Madrid and with the airport by train and bus.


The Bionanomechanics research is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Comunidad de Madrid and European Union. We also receive private funding through collaboration with our industrial partners.


The multidisciplinary and technologically challenging nature of our research requires of a network of international collaborators for the successful accomplishment of the research objectives. We collaborate with reference groups in the fields of micro- nanofabrication, micro- nanofluidics, theory, molecular dynamics simulations and cancer biology.

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  • Biomechanics Lab in the workshop Feria Ciencia en el Barrio 2024

    Juan Molina and Adrian Sanz from the Bionanomechanics group of the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology – CSIC visit the workshops carried out by high school students at the Ciencia en el Barrio 2024 as part of the events organized by CSIC-Divulga. The workshop: “Nanobalances for weighing viruses and bacteria,” in which the students of…

Micro and Nanotechnology Institute
PTM – C/Isaac Newton, 8
28760 – Tres Cantos – MADRID
Tfn. (+ 34) 91 806 07 00
Fax. (+ 34) 91 806 07 01

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