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    Biomechanics Lab in the workshop Feria Ciencia en el Barrio 2024

    Juan Molina and Adrian Sanz from the Bionanomechanics group of the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology – CSIC visit the workshops carried out by high school students at the Ciencia en el Barrio 2024 as part of the events organized by CSIC-Divulga. The workshop: “Nanobalances for weighing viruses and bacteria,” in which the students of…

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    We describe one of our last patents on Telemadrid

    Juan Molina explains one of the patents from Bionanomechanics Lab in an interview on Telemadrid. Juan Molina is pursuing his PhD at Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, enrolled in a program at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.–20240319125409.html

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    Living cells exhibit mechanical resonances

    The Bionanomechanics group has achieved a significant advance in the understanding of the mechanical properties of human cells: it has successfully demonstrated that living cells, specifically human breast epithelial cells, exhibit mechanical resonances, a phenomenon previously considered implausible due to the extraordinary viscosity and complexity of cells in physiological media. You can learn more…

Bionanomechanics Lab

El grupo de Bionanomecánica se estableció en el año 2005 con el objetivo de desarrollar herramientas analíticas innovadoras basadas en nanotecnología para aplicaciones biológicas y con especial énfasis en los sensores nanomecánicos.

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  • Biomechanics Lab in the workshop Feria Ciencia en el Barrio 2024

    Juan Molina and Adrian Sanz from the Bionanomechanics group of the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology – CSIC visit the workshops carried out by high school students at the Ciencia en el Barrio 2024 as part of the events organized by CSIC-Divulga. The workshop: “Nanobalances for weighing viruses and bacteria,” in which the students of…

Micro and Nanotechnology Institute
PTM – C/Isaac Newton, 8
28760 – Tres Cantos – MADRID
Tfn. (+ 34) 91 806 07 00
Fax. (+ 34) 91 806 07 01

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