
PhD student to work on “Development of OPTOMECHANICAL sensors for bacteria and virus characterization and identification”

DescriptionOptomechanical sensors find applications in a wide variety of research fields, going from fundamental quantum studies to biosensing. Particularly, in the diagnosis of infectious diseases field, optomechanics can provide the answer for label-free, extremely sensitive and fast bacteria and virus detection, characterization and identification. This project aims at developing highly advanced instrumentation and nanodevices to provide a universal infectious diagnosis tool. In order to do so, the candidate may also perform basic studies necessary for understanding the rich mechanisms involved in the optical and mechanical signals provided in optomechanical detection of bioanalytes in liquids.     The work will be developed in a multidisciplinary environment with experts in nanotechnology, nanofabrication, engineering and biology. The work involves experimental and theoretical skills, instrumentation design and optomechanical and biological characterization.  This contract is funded in the frame of the three national projects, having a total budget of one million euros. The investigation will be performed in collaboration with the technological companies MecWins S.L. and NanoDreams S.A., which emerged from our research group, with the aim of finally commercialize an optomechanical tool-box that reaches the clinics and hospitals all around the World.     Conditions: A contract ofone year is offered, with further extension to 3 years until completion of PhD (37.5 working hours/week, annual gross salary: 19 512 €). Starting date: 01/09/2021     To: Bachelors in Physics, Biophysics, Mechanical/Electrical Engineer, etc. Minimum overall score of 2 in a scale ranging from 1 to 4. Previous experience in laboratory research will be positively evaluated but it is not required. The candidate must show enthusiasm, high motivation and capability to learn new topics. Previous knowledge in sensors, biosensors, mechanical and optical resonators or optomechanics is a plus.

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Micro and Nanotechnology Institute
PTM – C/Isaac Newton, 8
28760 – Tres Cantos – MADRID
Tfn. (+ 34) 91 806 07 00
Fax. (+ 34) 91 806 07 01

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