
(Español) Technology expert in nanomechanical spectrometry

Description(Español) Technology expert in nanomechanical spectrometry. Transfer of technology  demonstrator and training of technicians at  hospital setting. Background in engineering is needed. A related degree is needed and demonstrated expertise in prototype development tasks and technology transfer. Other tasks: delivery of user requirements documentation, optimization of the demonstrator if needed. Knowledge about nanomechanical spectrometry will be valued but is not compulsory as training will be provided. Please send CV to for a pre-selection process that will be followed by an on-line interview with selected candidates. Open only to: Engineers and physicists with 1-4 years research experience.

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Micro and Nanotechnology Institute
PTM – C/Isaac Newton, 8
28760 – Tres Cantos – MADRID
Tfn. (+ 34) 91 806 07 00
Fax. (+ 34) 91 806 07 01

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