Dissemination article published in the magazine “20minutos”: Listening to virus and bacteria for the diagnosis of infectious diseases
Escuchar los virus y las bacterias para el diagnóstico de enfermedades
Escuchar los virus y las bacterias para el diagnóstico de enfermedades
The was held at the Hotel Aguas de Ibiza on September 17, 2021. A total of 160 people collaborated with the fundraising for this Pitiusan NGO, reaching 17,600 euros to finance a project for the early detection of this disease that is being carried out in the Bionanomechanics Laboratory and led by Priscila Kosaka. The…
Do you want to know how do we weight viruses and bacteria with our devices? Here we explain it in a very simple way
The new informative magazine CSIC INVESTIGA is born. The first issue, Science against the coronavirus, focuses on the CSIC’s research on the coronavirus in different areas: the virus, the disease, detection, treatments and vaccines, transmission, prevention and social impact, (in addition to the covid- 19 and equality), knowledge transfer (innovation), international cooperation, training, scientific culture…
Presentation of the #AlianzaSTEAM for female talent. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and more than fifty entities come together to promote scientific-technological vocations among girls and young people. Live interventions by Minister Isabel Celaá, Carmen Fenoll, Montserrat Calleja, Nuria Oliver, Blanca Huergo and Anna Cabré .; and video interventions by Jane Goodall, English…
The Bionanomechanics conference aims at offering, every two years, a forum for communication and discussion of the most striking results in the fastly advancing field of mechanobiology. Communications on recent advancements in mechanical biomarkers from their diverse aspects, from technology developments to new proof of concept results in disease diagnosis and prognosis are also welcome….
Bionanomechanics Lab Group of the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology of the CSIC (IMN-CSIC), in collaboration with Marcos Malumbres (Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), has developed an innovative method to suppress the main source of noise in digital holographic microscopy that allows visualization of the metabolic activity of cells with high spatial resolution and…