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    Stiffening associated to bending in thin sheets

    Published today in Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 29627 (2016). This work presents a theory that describes the stiffness of curved thin sheets with simple equations in terms of the longitudinal and transversal curvatures. The theory predicts experimental results with a macroscopic cantilever sheet as well as numerical simulations by the finite element method. The results shed…

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    ERC Consolidator grant awarded to M. Calleja

    European Research Council grants Dr. Calleja with 2,47 million euro to develop a high throughput spectrometric technique addressing single proteins from complex samples while in physiological conditions. The ERC Consolidator grant LIQUIDMASS proposes a new concept for protein spectrometry, by characterizing not only the mass, but also the hydrodynamic radius, geometry and stiffness of single…

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    SMMS-Spatially Multiplexed Dark Field Microspectrometry

     The SMMS technology has been developed by Valerio Pini et al.  With SMMS we get polarization-resolved spectral and spatial analysis of the scattered light over large surface areas. The SMMS technique provides three orders of magnitude faster spectroscopic analysis than conventional dark-field microspectrophotometry, with the capability for mapping the spatial distribution of the scattered light…

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