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    M. Calleja awarded an ERC-Starting Grant

    The project NANOFORCELLS- A nanomechanical tool-box for the investigation of cell mechanics – aims at developing a set of tools and demonstrate their potential for the study of individual cell mechanics and sub-cellular structures. In the past decade, many cell mechanisms have been disentangled. These findings have highlighted the communication of cells in two directions,…

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    Invited talk by Javier Tamayo at NMC2011 Dublin

    The Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing focuses on new developments, investigations, applications of cantilever-based sensors, cantilever systems engineering and other nanomechanical sensing techniques (QCM, Nanowires and Graphene). It aims at bringing together companies and academia to present their latest results in a lively and personal atmosphere. This workshop is a follow up of workshops held in…

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    One shot measurement of 128 microcantilevers

    Work by the Bionanomechanics Lab in collaboration with Mecwins and Nanosens presented in Review of Scientific Instruments. It shows single experiment measurement of a two-dimensional array of 128 cantilevers. In this work we measure the nanometer-scale bending of the 128 cantilevers, previously coated with a thin gold layer, induced by the adsorption and self-assembly on…

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